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Crystals are one of the most powerful tools available in the world of holistic healing. 


This is a weekend of colour, crystals and enlightenment.




* You will learn about the bodies chakras and how colour works with these energies in our bodies.

* You will meditate on the colours of the chakras and basic crystals that will resonate with these. Passing colour through the 

   physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies.

* Complete and receive a basic chakra balancing.

* Understand clearing and cleansing of crystals and patients.

* Learn to use a pendulum to aid in the balancing of the chakras.



As you leave you will never quite be the same again. You will have learned to connect to who you are through colours, chakras and crystals that you need. 




This course will be part 1 of a 3 part course on crystal and colour healing.  It is for personal development and use. You do not need to complete all three but if you wish to use crystals in the healing of others you will need  to take all three parts.

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